
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 7:00am – 3:00pm | Wednesday: 9:00am – 3:00pm

Phone Number603-382-7100 603-272-6814

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 7:00am – 3:00pm | Wednesday: 9:00am – 3:00pm

Phone Number603-382-7100 603-272-6814

Porcelain Fixed Dental Bridges
Plaistow, NH

Porcelain fixed bridges are a popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. The restoration consists of artificial teeth, known as “pontics,” which are held in place by two or more anchoring natural teeth, called “abutments.” These bridges not only restore the function and appearance of the teeth but also offer numerous benefits over other dental replacement options.

However, like all dental procedures, they come with their own set of benefits and drawbacks. At Plaistow Dental, we’re here to provide you with the information and guidance you need to make an informed decision.

Types of Porcelain Fixed Bridges

Porcelain fixed bridges stand as transformative solutions in restorative dentistry, offering a reliable means to replace missing teeth and restore both function and aesthetics. These bridges come in various types, each designed to address specific dental needs and provide patients with tailored options for achieving a complete and confident smile.

Exploring the diverse types of porcelain fixed bridges reveals a spectrum of choices, each with its unique characteristics and advantages, ultimately allowing individuals to make informed decisions that align with their oral health goals.

Here are four popular choices:

Conventional Bridges: These are the most common type and are used when there are natural teeth on both sides of the gap.

Implant-Supported Bridges: Rather than relying on natural teeth as abutments, these are supported by dental implants. They’re especially beneficial when several teeth in a row are missing.

Resin-Bonded Bridges: Also known as Maryland bridges, these are primarily used for front teeth. They have metal or porcelain wings on each side which are bonded to the adjacent teeth.

Cantilever Bridges: Used when adjacent teeth are on only one side of the missing tooth or teeth. They are less common and not recommended for back teeth.

While all these bridges serve the primary purpose of replacing missing teeth, the right choice depends on the location, number of missing teeth, and individual patient needs.

Procedure and Cost of Porcelain Fixed Bridges

The procedure and cost of porcelain fixed bridges encompass essential considerations for those seeking effective tooth replacement solutions. This dental restoration involves a meticulously orchestrated process to restore functionality and appearance:

  • Consultation: Discuss your needs and get advice on the best type of bridge for you.
  • Preparation: The surrounding teeth are prepared by removing a portion of enamel to provide room for the crown.
  • Impression: A mold is made to ensure the bridge fits perfectly.
  • Fitting: Once the bridge is ready, it’s checked for fit and bite. Adjustments may be made if necessary.
  • Follow-up: Regular check-ups are vital to ensure the bridge remains in good condition.

Additionally, understanding the associated costs allows individuals to plan for this investment in oral health. Delving into the cost aspects of porcelain fixed bridges sheds light on the comprehensive approach to dental rejuvenation and the financial implications that come with it.

The cost of porcelain fixed bridges varies, influenced by:

  • Type of bridge chosen
  • Number and location of teeth involved
  • Materials used
  • Complexity of the procedure
  • Insurance coverage
  • Need for additional treatments

To find more affordable options, consider discussing payment plans with your dentist, seeking treatment at dental schools, or exploring dental discount plans.

Benefits and Risks of Porcelain Fixed Bridges

Porcelain fixed bridges offer compelling advantages:

  • Restoring Function: They allow you to eat and speak normally.
  • Appearance: They look natural and enhance your smile.
  • Confidence: No need to feel self-conscious about missing teeth.
  • Oral Health: They prevent other teeth from shifting out of position.

However, potential risks include:

  • Tooth decay if the bridge and surrounding teeth aren’t kept clean.
  • Bridge fracture.
  • Teeth sensitivity.
  • Infections.
  • Bridge failure over time.

To mitigate these risks, it’s crucial to maintain good oral hygiene and have regular dental check-ups.

Maintenance and Care of Porcelain Fixed Bridges

To ensure the enduring longevity of your bridge, consistent care practices play a pivotal role.

Regular brushing and flossing remain fundamental, effectively preventing the onset of tooth decay and gum disease while maintaining the health of surrounding teeth. Incorporating an antiseptic mouthwash into your routine further aids in bacterial control.

Scheduled professional cleanings provide a crucial foundation for sustaining optimal oral health, ensuring that your bridge maintains its integrity. For meticulous cleaning around and beneath the bridge, the utilization of specialized tools like floss threaders or interdental brushes can prove invaluable, contributing to the bridge’s longevity and the overall health of your oral environment.

Remember, proper care not only prolongs the life of your bridge but also ensures the health of your natural teeth and gums.

Lifespan and Durability of Porcelain Fixed Bridges

Porcelain fixed bridges are renowned for their resilience and aesthetics. On average, they have a lifespan of about 10 to 15 years. This range can vary based on individual factors like oral hygiene, habits, and overall oral health.

To effectively prolong the lifespan of your bridge, adhering to a few key practices is crucial.

Consistent oral hygiene, encompassing thorough brushing and flossing, stands as a primary defense against decay in the neighboring teeth and the preservation of gum health, which directly contributes to the bridge’s stability.

Additionally, mindful dietary choices, such as avoiding hard or sticky foods, can play a key role in preventing accidental bridge damage.

Regular dental visits remain paramount, providing opportunities for your dentist to conduct comprehensive check-ups, detect potential issues early on, and ensure the bridge’s continued well-being.

Through the combined efforts of diligent hygiene, cautious dietary habits, and proactive professional care, you can substantially extend the functional and aesthetic longevity of your bridge.

Signs that your bridge may be damaged or failing include:

  • Looseness or movement
  • Pain or discomfort around the bridge
  • Bad odor or taste
  • Visible damage or chips

If you notice any of these symptoms, promptly schedule an appointment with your dentist to assess and address the issue.

Porcelain vs. Ceramic Bridges

Though the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, there are differences between porcelain and ceramic bridges:

  • Material Composition: Porcelain is a type of ceramic, but it’s refined further to create a more translucent material.
  • Strength & Durability: Both materials are durable, but porcelain often has a slight edge in strength.
  • Aesthetics: Porcelain mimics the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth better than basic ceramic, offering a more natural look.

Due to these attributes, porcelain is often the preferred material for fixed bridges.

Alternatives to Porcelain Fixed Bridges

While porcelain fixed bridges are an excellent option, there are other alternatives:

Removable Partial Dentures: These can be taken out and put back into the mouth, offering a temporary solution.

  • Pros: Cost-effective, easy to repair.
  • Cons: Less stable, may not be as comfortable or natural-looking.

Full Dentures: Used when most or all of the teeth are missing.

  • Pros: Restores full smile, cost-effective.
  • Cons: It may feel bulky and can affect speech initially.

Dental Implants: Titanium posts that are surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line.

  • Pros: Durable, natural feel and appearance.
  • Cons: Higher upfront cost, a surgical procedure required.

The right choice varies for each person based on factors like oral health, budget, and personal preference.

Porcelain Fixed Bridges at Plaistow Dental

Porcelain fixed bridges are a time-tested and reliable solution for replacing missing teeth. They offer a balance of aesthetics, functionality, and durability. With a range of types available, varying costs, and the promise of a renewed smile, they are a viable option for many.

Remember, the longevity of your bridge largely hinges on the care you provide.

For expert advice and to ensure you’re making the best choice for your dental health, contact Plaistow Dental Clinic. Our 30 years of dentistry expertise ensures you’re in good hands. Schedule an appointment with one of our experienced dentists today, or call us at (603) 382-7100 for more information!