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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 7:00am – 3:00pm | Wednesday: 9:00am – 3:00pm

Phone Number603-382-7100 603-272-6814

How to Properly Brush and Floss Your Teeth

Did you know that the state of your oral health can mirror your overall well-being? Regular brushing and flossing are pivotal in preventing dental issues like cavities, gum disease, and the dreaded bad breath.

This guide by Plaistow Dental, experts in dentistry with over 30 years in Plaistow, NH, will ensure you’re on the right path to achieving that healthy smile!

How to Brush Your Teeth Properly

Embrace the cornerstone of oral health with the practice that keeps your smile shining and your teeth strong – regular brushing. Beyond its seemingly simple task, consistent brushing forms the foundation of a vibrant smile and a healthy mouth. From preventing cavities to maintaining fresh breath, the benefits of this daily ritual extend far beyond the mirror, offering you a lifetime of confident grins and optimal dental well-being:

  • Removes plaque and bacteria
  • Dislodges food particles
  • Battles stains from daily beverages like coffee or wine.

Mastering the art of brushing is more than just wielding a toothbrush – it’s about understanding the rhythm that best nurtures your oral health. Here’s a quick guide to achieving optimal results through the right frequency and duration of brushing. Take a moment to explore these key pointers:

  • Brush twice daily, morning and night
  • Brush for a minimum of two minutes for effective cleaning
  • Use soft bristles that are gentle on teeth and gums
  • Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your teeth
  • Cover all surfaces by cleaning fronts, backs, and chewing teeth
  • Use fluoride toothpaste to strengthen enamel
  • Wait at least 30 minutes to brush after consuming acidic foods
  • Replace your toothbrush regularly every 3-4 months
  • Instill good habits in children early on
  • Don’t forget your tongue and the roof of your mouth – they harbor bacteria too!

Don’t rush – take your time to ensure a thorough clean. By following the above pointers, you’ll be on your way to maintaining a healthy and radiant smile.

How to Floss Your Teeth Properly

Flossing your teeth properly is essential for comprehensive oral hygiene. Follow these steps for effective flossing:

Choose the Right Floss: Select dental floss that suits your preference, whether it’s traditional floss, floss picks, or water flossers.

Use Enough Floss: Begin with about 18 inches of floss and wind it around your middle fingers, leaving a few inches to work with.

Hold Correctly: Hold the floss between your thumbs and forefingers, leaving about an inch of floss in between.

Glide Gently: Slide the floss between your teeth using a gentle sawing motion. Avoid snapping the floss, as it can harm your gums.

Curve Around: Curve the floss into a C shape around each tooth, reaching beneath the gumline. Gently move the floss up and down.

One Tooth at a Time: Use a fresh section of floss for each tooth. This prevents the spreading of bacteria between teeth.

Be Thorough but Gentle: Flossing shouldn’t be painful. If you experience bleeding or discomfort, it might indicate gum inflammation.

Rinse Afterwards: After flossing, rinse your mouth to remove any loosened debris.

Floss Daily: Aim to floss once daily to remove plaque and food particles between your teeth effectively.

Proper flossing contributes to healthier gums, cleaner teeth, and an overall improved oral care routine.

Brushing & Flossing with Braces

Navigating oral hygiene with braces requires a specialized approach to ensure both your dental health and the condition of your braces. To help you maintain a radiant smile throughout your orthodontic journey, here’s a concise guide for effective brushing while wearing braces:

  • Select the Right Tool: A soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste are your best allies.
  • Tackling the Brackets: Position your brush at a 45-degree angle, ensuring you brush both above and below each bracket.
  • The Usual Drill: Don’t let the braces deter you! Continue brushing the chewing surfaces, inner surfaces, tongue, and the roof of your mouth as you typically would.

Follow these steps for optimal flossing when wearing braces:

  • Opt for waxed floss or a floss threader tailored for braces.
  • Skillfully thread the floss behind the wire and between teeth.
  • Floss around each tooth in a C shape, employing an up-and-down motion.
  • Gently pull out the floss, ensuring to unthread it from behind the wire.

Braces Care Tips and Precautions

Consistency is key!

Post every meal or snack, or at least four times daily, brush those teeth to ward off plaque and food residues. Nightly flossing ensures the day’s accumulated debris is dealt with.

Rinsing post brushing and flossing? Use water or mouthwash to purge any lingering particles.

Watch your diet! Avoid hard, sticky, chewy, or sugary items. They can compromise your braces or lead to cavities.

Rinse the Right Way

Unlock the refreshing potential of rinsing to elevate your oral care routine. Rinsing your mouth is more than just a quick swish – it’s a crucial step in maintaining a clean and healthy mouth. Explore these insights on how to rinse the right way for maximum benefits:

Pros and Cons: Rinsing post brushing and flossing clears residuals. But, immediately washing after brushing can diminish fluoride’s efficacy.

Mouthwash Types: Whether it’s fluoride, antibacterial, or antiseptic mouthwash, pick what suits you.

Make sure you know the right way to rinse your mouth:

  • Steer clear of immediate rinsing post-brushing.
  • Overconsumption or swallowing mouthwash? Avoid it! It can have unwanted consequences.
  • Need help to determine which mouthwash to use? Your dentist or dental hygienist is a consultation away.

Picking the Perfect Dental Tools

In the world of oral care, selecting the right dental tools is a fundamental step toward achieving a healthier smile. From toothbrushes to flossing aids, the tools you choose are crucial in maintaining optimal dental hygiene. This guide offers valuable insights and considerations to help you navigate the array of options, ensuring that your choices align with your unique needs and contribute to a confident, radiant smile.

Factors to Consider: The right toothbrush size, shape, and material, the right fluoride levels in toothpaste, and the appropriate dental floss thickness and texture are paramount.

Market Offerings: Brands galore! From Oral-B to Colgate, myriad options await. Always ensure it aligns with your dental needs.

Remember the following:

  • An oversized or too-hard toothbrush? It’s a no-no.
  • Avoid kinds of toothpaste with abrasive components or artificial sweeteners.
  • Your floss should be thick enough for comfort and efficiency.

In a Nutshell

To recap, proper dental hygiene, especially with braces, not only shields you from dental woes but also accentuates your appearance. Need professional guidance or cleaning? Plaistow Dental Clinic, with over 30 years of dentistry prowess, is here for you!

Connect with Us

Eager for a checkup or curious about our services? Contact us today! Your journey to impeccable dental health awaits! We’re just a phone call away at (603) 382-7100, or book an appointment online.